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Commission info.

!Please do not rush me with your commission, I am still in school so I am working as fast as I can.!


★ The maximum number of orders per person is 5 at a time.

★ If there is some character or order that I do not feel comfortable drawing, I will tell you so and probably reject it, if not changed or compromised on (sorry).

★ The price will change from the base price listing (below) depending on the design of the character and the complexity of the order.

★ I only accept PAYPAL. 

★ You can DM me on Tumblr, or Twitter or send me an email; I do prefer DMS though! 



When giving me an order the starting price will always fall into one of the categories;

Full body  30$+ 

half body 25$+ 

Bust 20$+

Profile 10$+

Chibis 15$+

Emote 15$+

big illustration  100$+


(★ ̄∀ ̄★)

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